NYCM (New York Central Mutual) Insurance was founded in 1899 in New York with the goal of taking care of New Yorkers. And more than 100 years later, NYCM has stuck to that mission. New York Central Mutual is committed to providing its customer's security and peace of mind through service when life's unfortunate events occur.
How do customers rate NYCM Insurance (New York Central Mutual)?
How much does NYCM homeowners insurance cost?
How do NYCM's home insurance prices compare to other companies in New York? In the graph below, you can see the average cost of NYCM homeowners insurance compared to the average cost of homeowners insurance in New York. The graph is split into two categories: a home worth $200,000 and a home worth $400,000.
The average NYCM homeowners insurance rates for both the $200K home and $400K home are lower than the average homeowners insurance cost in New York. Please note that these are average homeowners insurance rates based on specific profiles and your rate could be higher or lower based on your unique characteristics that affect homeowners insurance rates.
What auto insurance discounts does NYCM offer?
- Accident Prevention Course Discount: Customers receive a 10 percent discount with New York Central Mutual after completing an approved accident prevention course
- New Car Discount: NYCM offers up to a 12 percent discount for vehicles of the current or upcoming model year
- Senior Discount: Policyholders over the age of 65 who have been insured and claim free with NYCM for five consecutive years could receive up to a 5 percent discount on their auto insurance
- Anti-Theft Devices Discount: If your vehicle is equipped with alarms, active disabling devices, vehicle identification number window glass etching, a passive disabling device or a vehicle recovery system, you could receive a discount of up to 25 percent with New York Central Mutual
- Coupler (Combination) Discount: Bundling your NYCM auto insurance policy with a home or umbrella policy could save you up to 20 percent
- Home Ownership Discount: Owning a home, regardless of whether or not it is insured with New York Central Mutual, qualifies you for a discount
- Paid In Full Discount: NYCM policyholders who pay their premiums in full on the policy effective date are eligible for a 10 percent discount
- Safety Equipment Discount: Vehicles equipped with safety equipment, such as passive restraints, anti-lock braking systems, or daytime running lights are eligible for discounts
- Driver Training Discount: Young drivers insured by NYCM who successfully completed a driver education course could receive a discount of up to 10 percent
- Away At School Discount: New York Central Mutual offers a discount to unmarried students under the age of 24 who are assigned as an occasional operator and live more than 100 miles from where the vehicle is garaged
- Good Student Discount: Students under the age of 24 who maintain a “B” average or better are eligible for a 10 percent discount with NYCM
- Low Mileage Discount: New York Central Mutual policyholders who only drive a low amount of miles per year are able to receive a discount on their insurance
- Electronic Funds (EFT) Discount: Policyholders are able to receive a discount on their insurance with NYCM when they pay their bills by electronic transfer
- Claim Free Discount: New York Central Mutual customers who are claim-free for 5 consecutive years are eligible for a discount on their policy
What homeowners insurance discounts does NYCM offer?
- Coupler (Combination) Discount: Bundling a New York Central Mutual home insurance policy with an auto or umbrella policy could save customers as much as 35 percent
- Age of Home Discount: NYCM offers its customers discounts up to 43.5 percent based on when the home was built
- Claim Free Discount: Being insured with New York Central Mutual for at least five consecutive years and remaining claim-free during this time qualifies policyholders for a discount
- Retirement Discount: Policyholders age 55 or older, who are retired and occupy their residence at least 10 months of the year, could qualify for a 5 percent discount on their policy
- Gated Community Discount: NYCM customers who own a home in a gated community are eligible for a 5 percent discount on their homeowners insurance
- Protective Devices Discounts: Homes equipped with approved and properly maintained burglar alarms, fire alarms, automatic sprinklers, water alert systems, temperature alert systems, generators, deadbolts, and fire extinguishers may be eligible for a discount with NYCM
- Doublewide Credit: Mobile homes greater than 20 feet in width could qualify for a 5 percent discount with New York Central Mutual
- Tie Down Credit: New York Central Mutual insured mobile homes with certain types of tie-downs are eligible for discounts of up to 10 percent
- Approved Park Discount: Mobile home parks that meet certain NYCM requirements are eligible for up to a 10 percent discount
NYCM Insurance (New York Central Mutual) Coverage Options
In addition to its standard car insurance policies, NYCM offers some additional coverage options that you can add to your policy.
Roadside assistance: NYCM offers 27/7 roadside assistance that you can purchase to add to your NYCM car insurance policy. It's available 365 days a year. There are three package options to choose from Basic, Choice and Choice Plus. All packages include 24-hour emergency towing services, flat tire or inflation, battery jump-start, emergency fuel/fluid delivery, and lockout/locksmith services. The Choice plan has a few more added benefits and the Choice Plus plan has the most benefits available. The Basic plan annual premium is $7 per vehicle, the Choice plan is $10 per vehicle and the Choice Plus plan is $15 per vehicle.
inControl Program: NYCM's inControl program is a driver tracking program that measures your driving behavior and offers a discount to safe drivers. Drivers with an NYCM car insurance policy can enroll in this program. You'll need to use NYCM's plug-in device for 6 months. In the first year, you'll receive a participation discount and you'll have the potential to earn a larger discount when you renew your insurance based on your driving behavior.
Below is a list of other insurance products available from NYCM.
Business insurance
Commercial property
Professional Liability
What more should you know about NYCM Insurance?
New York Central Mutual offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices. This app includes the ability to submit a claim from the scene, store identification cards, make online payments, and more.
Advantage Repair Program is offered to policyholders and includes access to over 100 Advantage Repair Shops, customer service from NYCM representatives, direct payment to the repair shop, and a lifetime guarantee for all repairs.
Before making any final decisions on your insurance company, it is important to learn as much as you can about your local insurance providers, and the coverages they offer. Call your local insurance agent to clear up any questions that you might have. Questions to consider asking include, "What is the best coverage plan for me/my family/my situation?" "What are the minimum coverage requirements in my state and what form of coverage do you recommend?" "Do you guys offer any bundle discounts if I take out both my auto insurance and home insurance with you?" and "What is the average rate of insurance quotes you guys offer?"
Before making any big insurance decisions, use our free tool to compare insurance quotes near you. It's simple, just plug in your zip code and we'll do the rest!
What states does NYCM Insurance (New York Central Mutual) do business in?
NYCM Insurance (New York Central Mutual) sells car, homeowners and renters insurance in 1 state. See the state NYCM Insurance (New York Central Mutual) sells in below and click the link to see how NYCM Insurance (New York Central Mutual) compares to the other top companies in that state.
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