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EverQuote Customer Ratings and Reviews

EverQuote was incorporated in Delaware on August 21, 2008, and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

EverQuote refers to itself as an online marketplace for car insurance. The company is an internet marketing firm that works with business partners, usually insurance companies and/or insurance agents, to help those business partners acquire new customers. That's what some in the industry refer to as a lead generation (“lead gen”) firm. In other words, they do not offer insurance policies. They just connect customers looking for a policy to insurance providers.

EverQuote's business model is to acquire leads from internet users who are interested in receiving car insurance quotes. EverQuote sells those leads to insurance companies and agents who then solicit prospective customers via email or telephone. That's how the company makes its money.

How Do Customers Connect with EverQuote?

EverQuote's most common method for acquiring prospective customer leads is the use of paid online search (banner display advertising) with messaging that often refers to a “brilliant, tiny, Boston-based company that is disrupting a 200 billion dollar industry.”

You might see their ads pop up in your Google search. Ads can also generate on blogs and other related sites that mention insurance and other common search terms. EverQuote aims to connect with insurance shoppers before they officially start their search.

What customers say about EverQuote

Some review sites such as Better Business Bureau (BBB), Yelp and Highya show a high percentage of negative reviews and copious complaints about EverQuote from users who report feeling “misled” or “scammed.” Some of these reviews reflect consumers' feelings about the insurance company they got quotes from. Others are specific to EverQuote. However, a recent Clearsurance survey of 129 EverQuote users was much more positive.

Of the 129 survey respondents, 81.4% gave EverQuote a positive rating, earning EverQuote an overall rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars. 79 percent of respondents said they were completely comfortable with how their information was used by the site. Similarly, 75.2% of respondents said that using EverQuote made for a better experience than if they had chosen not to use the site. Sixty-two percent (62%) of its users said they would recommend EverQuote to a friend.

What its employees say about EverQuote

EverQuote's employees also appear to have a positive opinion of the company. On the employee review and rating website, EverQuote has an overall rating of 4.4 out of 5, based on 87 employee reviews (as of May 16, 2018). Of the employees who responded, 84 percent said they would recommend EverQuote to a friend, and 87 percent said they approve of the CEO.

If you're looking to make insurance simpler, online quotes are key. EverQuote offers one alternative to the old way of shopping for insurance.

*Disclaimer: This company's rating is based partially upon survey reviews which are not displayed on this website

: This company's rating is based partially upon survey reviews which are not displayed on this website

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