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are likely to renew their policy
are likely to renew their policy
are likely to renew their policy

Ad Practitioners LLC ratings and coverages helps people make smarter buying decisions in 128 industries, and they are especially expert in insurance. The editors at ConsumersAdvocate.Org spend a minimum of 200 hours researching topics they think are relevant to consumers—they typically focus on topics like insurance, financial services, software, or home services. is more of a marketplace than a reviews site. Firm believers there is no “one size fits all” solution, they present detailed information and ratings about each company with the goal of connecting the right consumer with the right service provider.

For this reason, you will find they are very transparent about how they make money. All advertisers on the site are labeled partner. According to spokesperson Jesse Dwyer, roughly 70% of visitors to make their final purchase decision on the site, due to the detailed information available about different companies and services. So companies compensate when a consumer clicks to their site. is located in Puerto Rico and was founded in early 2016.

Based on their research, provides you with a list of the top insurance companies and online sellers in your area, including basic information about the company and its editorial review and rating of the company. researches each company and assigns a number value to factors about the company, such as the company’s financial strength, and its pricing and discounts. It creates a rating of the company based on the score of factors. They also provide useful explanations of how to consider what matters most to you as a consumer. They are very transparent about their assessment methodology, which is helpful for identifying the best insurer for your situation.

What customers say about Ad Practitioners LLC

On Facebook, ConsumersAdvocate is recommended by 9 people and rated 5/5 stars based on the opinions of 4 people (as of Oct. 5, 2018). One Facebook user recommends the site because of the helpful information it has available.

ConsumersAdvocate isn’t rated by other review sites, such as the BBB and Yelp, unlike many other online sellers.

What its employees say about Ad Practitioners LLC

ConsumersAdvocate is owned by Ad Practitioners, LLC, a services company also based in Puerto Rico. Ad Practitioners, LLC has high ratings on Glassdoor. As of October 5, 2018 it maintains a 5/5 star rating by employees, though this is based on just four reviews.

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